Civilianleaf Linux and Tech

About Us

Hello and welcome to this Website. My goal here is to explore and share various ideas, concepts, cool new tech, Linux distros, cybersecurity, and anything else tech related that I find fasinating.

Another aspect of this webpage is to help me further learn webdevelopment. I am a cybersecurity student and one of my fascinations is with webexploitation. I have decided to create this website to help me further understand how web applications and webdevelopment works. I can already say as of updating this description that learning web development is a fun process. The look and feel of this webpage has come so far in less than a week. There is still lots that I am planning to add to this page. So far its a fun hobby project. Will post more soon!

Our Team

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by email at